@@xansurnamehere And how is that supposed to fix anything? What if someone hacks your computer, reinstalls the drivers, and while they are still there, add a little spyware to said drivers? Or what if the camera has backup drivers on its own, separate, hidden partition? Covering it up or physically removing it is the safest way.
they are in dark rooms with a hoodie on and type erratically green text on a black background, they have a world map with red connecting lines that make a sound when moving around, computer screen turns black and a bunch of pop-ups of random images with beep sounds appear and after drinking the sixth can of dr pepper they say : "I'm In"
Can’t tell if it’s the malfunctioning yt algorithm propagating it’s own inevitable demise or the feds wasting their time with honeypot videos again but either way, a gem of a channel and some novel content I look forward to learning.
I'm amazed that he stops to make you learn what an IP is (most basic cyber security content) but then he speeds up when the things start to get complicated and tricky.
I love how some hackers will tell you that "the Complete Hackers Handbook" is the hacking "Bible" and it doesn't contain one single line of code. Not 1. Just jargon. I still liked the video. But I get your point. Hated when people would say Lurk Moor or whatever it was. Just tell me the steps, I'll look it up myself. Just tell me what to look up. That's how I knew if someone was full of crap. They pull that magicians never tell their secrets bs.
4:50 something worth mentioning is that installing your own vpn server on some random vps could be a security risk depending on your threat model. Federal agencies can detect your ip address is the only one connecting to that server and thus deduce the outgoing traffic from that server is effectively yours. Also, wireguard should be prefered over openvpn if you actually need to setup a vpn server for some reason.
Actually, Ross Ulbricht was caught through an old email that he had advertised Silk Road on in Reddit, then, when they knew who he was they traced him to a library, and then a female and make FBI agents distracted him by pretending to have an argument while another rushed his laptop, so he couldn’t press the kill code button he’d set up previously, they also messaging him through Silkroad at that exact time and caught him with his laptop open and everything logged in 😅
4:09 I'm glad you mentioned that VPNs introduce intermediaries. I feel like a lot of people either forget or don't know about this and perhaps don't think about it before deciding when to use a VPN.
Staying anonymous is one thing.. what about removing digital identity ? People who grew up in digital age and not knowing how bad things can get.. what steps can one take to wipe out this data ?
Great point. Especially if you had parents, family, employers who posted photos and info about you online. There are digital privacy laws where you can request for your information to be taken down. But this is dependent on where live and even then there will still be an online footprint you left. Best possible option is to never make the online trail in the first place. That's not easy nowadays.
@@Endless_Jaguarhey now that's not nice, they're just trying to show off they're kid that they're proud of. But I totally feel ya, I'm opposite and am extremely protective over my kids photos ever getting posted on internet. Especially, after a time I Googed his sisters name & shockingly on the first page that came up i saw a nude photo of hers that'd been reposted on a hella shaddy website, that had her little brothers photo on her wall right behind her, totally clear as day. I was pissed to say the least. Got that sh*t pulled down immediately.
If I was selling bad things on the internet and I felt I was about to get caught; I’d make a RUclips channel and as such, talking about OPSEC, appear as a red herring. Hypothetically
6:50 don't underestimate vulnerabilites with virtualization. TailOS discourages indeed the virtualization approach because the host machine can fully control and check what's going on in the VM
yes but being totally 100% anonymous is kindly impossible. Tails offer a way to get more % in anonymity. That's it. It's the same debate as with confinements and vaccines... Just gain more % here and here.
True. Many, including myself at one point, thought VMs won't leak malware, but they can. Just as malware can hop partitions to jump to different OSs. (;
Good presentation and very clear, concise and useful information. As a 'security professional' (and someone interested in security since before the internet) this is exactly the kind of straightforward yet entertaining content we need more of.
1:23 still, the reason he got caught was none of those. But the NSA cross referencing old posts of him that had a similar name to his later used username. then they claimed it was done by some unfixed exploit in his market. But of course we know they just checked their data collection.
@@fernandoblazin Needless to say (and that's the point of it), calling somone 'not a script kiddie' is rather something else entirely than not('a script kiddie'). But even assuming this is as simple as !a == b is the same as a==!b (which, ignoring all context, may not be unreasonable!) it would simply make you 'not a script kiddie' not 'matrix level'. An alternative interpretation is for example, you are simply no programmer at all.
I feel weird about a lot of VPN's, although they claim to have a "no log policy," I've heard of many instances in which VPN companies helped the police in finding cyber criminals.
Drowning I suggest watch a 13 part series called _What on earth happened_ by Ewaranon to learn that the earth is not a globe. I got it in my about tab.
Waay late to the party but here's an explanation: Any internet service provider, vpn company or other internet service owner based in the 14 eyes (basically NA, West EU, Australia) is legally required to comply with proper orders from law enforcement. In such cases they WILL demand all logs and any relevant information pertaining to their investigation. And the laws do allow businesses to lie about keeping no logs if it's for the sake of complying with said laws. Conversely, countries outside of the 14 eyes may have more lax laws around that stuff (think Sweden and the MulvadVPN cases). In short: if you're hoping that your vpn will allow you to escape those pesky glowies, ensure that the vpn is either a decentralized service (Tor/IP2P) or based outside the 14eyew
Your style is simple yet detailed, I haven't come across another related you tube channel that keeps it simple to the point and clearly examined. Subbed!
To be honest. At 6:00 minute mark, everything youve done is more than enough as long as you've done all previous steps. I have never heard of anyone getting caught under these circumstances. It's usually because people mix their darknet and clearnet activity or use any identifying material online, such as profiles with actual names, clearnet email addresses, use personal IPs etc. Unless you are specifically being targeted, it's going to monumentally difficult and resource intensive to track you down.
just found your videos. i'm a sys admin looking to get into cyber security and your videos are genuinely informative and enjoyable to watch. don't worry, you're definitely not a script kiddie. i'd know, i was one lool. keep it up man
When delivering a lecture on this subject, I was astounded by the extent to which many hackers overlook these fundamental principles. Admittedly, much has evolved over time, necessitating commensurate adaptations.
Great content man, I just found your channel and its awesome! I’m going to school for computer science, I really wanna focus on encryption and cybersecurity, so your content is an attention grabber. Keep up the good work, posting a video more in depth like what you showed at the end would be pretty interesting!
Keep up and don't make mistake I did! When you struggle with something, give yourself a time. Don't give up because you think something us "too hard". You just don't have enough knowledge to solve this problem. So educate urself and attempt one more time :)
@@MrCipek1221 I’m super late to this reply but thank you for the advice. It means a lot, especially with this degree you have a lot of people who aren’t willing to help or who have kind of like god complex.
Awesome demonstrations there, but personally I would have liked to see more about how criminals who use these stealth techniques actually get tracked and ultimately caught; I imagine there's a very interesting story there as well
NSA has enormous resources ,money , techs , and proprietary software . Get in if you dare , but get out before they can target you , because they WILL get you if you don't !
This comment's a year old but look up seytonic or mental outlaw. Often times, it's the user unintentionally outting themselves by mixing their public and private identities I.e. using their anonymous email to sign up for Instagram, reusing their private email across multiple websites
Hey Grant really nice video! How about to do a video with the techniques used to trace back this kind of be anonymous strategy? I mean some reverse engineering
@@ironheadrondo5596 I seem to recall the takedown of lulsec basically boiled down to one of the members being really, really bad at opsec, so once they arrested that guy, they were able to get him to get other members to reveal themselves over their now compromised private chat.
I was waiting for a VPN ad all video. Awesome job on this, nice to see some digestible content about hacking that isn't from a conference or experts react video. 👍
Tbh writing style is covered so damn less in such videos so props for talking about it even if it was just a second and in a list of thing to identify you most people dont even know about that
I impersonated a long time ago (half a decade minimum) and one of the main things I used was writing style which made it quite difficult for people to figure out it was me even when they became suspicious. (I don't suggest you try impersonating, it gets messy.) It's one of those details that people don't really think about but makes a lot of difference.
THIS ^ has been the most useful explanation! I have been researching each of these components individually, but you now put it all together in a series of steps. Maybe I am slow on the uptake… or just was distracted with Life… but this really helps with my own personal OPSEC! Thanks!
Enjoyed the video man. I couldn't stop laughing Everytime I started typing something I thought you weren't going to mention...you started mentioning it🤦😅
I thought the way to use proxychains was to give it a list of proxy servers to select from, and chain together several of them. Why did you just give it localhost? Also, in case people are interested, the way to protect a network against DNS tunneling is through DNS Inspection, which security appliances can do.
1:15 isn’t an ID supposed to link a name with a photograph? Like, if you show an ID with a name and a different face than yours then they’re not going to accept it, fake or real. What’s DPR supposed to do about that?
ID, identity card or Just identity, djizezzz! Identity of what, a human being? They probably didnt have any photograps of ptolemy or the likes. But they probably wasnt concerned with People Stealing their identity cuz there was No Camera at the time ect.
🤔🤔🤔 Interesting and thought provoking statement, I believe this might be the comment of the century... 🤔🤔🤔 # Comment Of The Century, "Staying anonymous offline is the bigger challenge." - Hammer Fist
Great points. At the end of the day if your DNS is still controlled by your ISP, vpns, anonymizing services won't help much. Unless you maybe have a PFsense unbound router setup using a service like Quad9 to cloak your DNS.
0:11 Lack of spending on IT. If you treat your IT staff like shit, they aren't going to bother doing any real work. Certainly not bother to look for breaches.
It’s quite fun to be a Ukrainian “military guy” (a conscripted software engineer) and to see another Ukrainian military guy in a video like this at 0:33
You're supposed to use your real picture on a fake ID, that way you can actually use it. That had absolutely nothing to do with Ross Ulbricht getting caught.
Good point. However, it did. He used nine fake IDs, all with different names, etc. He used these IDs to sign up for server rentals across the world. He didn't have to use a real picture of himself to gain access to these servers, he could have provided any type of ID. If it really did come down to having to use a real photograph, it could have been more use to limit his exposure. Nine fake IDs with the same picture, different names implies someone is hiding their real identity. He could have limited his evidence. It ended up catching up to him in the end.
@@collinsinfosec ehhh yes and no...it does look bad but when they found the 9 IDs package Ross said he had no knowledge of it and refused the package and didn't get arrested... Although at that point they were alrdy on his trail so it didn't matter much regardless
If you take a basic scenario of a simple machine setup, xp service pack 3 with no anti virus or firewall and a basic connection to it, what are the chances that a remote connection would be identified. The example given here is top level, not an isolated machine in some dead beat dump of a one person band business. It is probably unlikely that any connection over the net would even be known by anybody.
Loved the vid I think you really summarized everything really well. I did want to say though I’m still new to the cybersecurity world as I’m really in robotics, but assuming I an attacker could use some sort of small pi like device to connect to virtually with it running a live os like you described I could have it connect directly to the victims network, or even just as a dummy ip in case of middle man failure. I was thinking about this with some of my own applications on a defensive standpoint luckily I’m able to hard wire everything so they’d have to literally tap in without me knowing.
Xavier P I suggest watch a 13 part series called _What on earth happened_ by Ewaranon to learn that the earth is not a globe. I got it in my about tab.
Great video! But you failed to mention that hackers use hoodies and glasses to stay hidden too haha
Now you are a true hacker Edrick 😎
Wrong, they use it because the sunlight hurt their eyes
What he ACTUALLY forgot was to mention covering up the camera.
@@ladvargleinad7566 you mean deleting the camera's drivers and/or completely removing it from the device (same for microphone)
@@xansurnamehere And how is that supposed to fix anything? What if someone hacks your computer, reinstalls the drivers, and while they are still there, add a little spyware to said drivers? Or what if the camera has backup drivers on its own, separate, hidden partition?
Covering it up or physically removing it is the safest way.
they are in dark rooms with a hoodie on and type erratically green text on a black background, they have a world map with red connecting lines that make a sound when moving around, computer screen turns black and a bunch of pop-ups of random images with beep sounds appear and after drinking the sixth can of dr pepper they say :
"I'm In"
don't forget the anonymous mask and audible mentions of "hacking into the mainframe"
"They have a world map with red connecting lines that make a sound when moving around"
You just reminded me of Uplink.
Ok you need to stop! 😂🤣😂🤣
Funny 😂
Can’t tell if it’s the malfunctioning yt algorithm propagating it’s own inevitable demise or the feds wasting their time with honeypot videos again but either way, a gem of a channel and some novel content I look forward to learning.
😂This is a great comment! You made me laugh out loud
*IS THE ..."TIME WASTER s" ..*
Do you know what website?
feds need anonymity too
I'm amazed that he stops to make you learn what an IP is (most basic cyber security content) but then he speeds up when the things start to get complicated and tricky.
I don’t understand your point. Was the video too fast or too slow for you?
@@Rog3rTheSm1thhe means that the video would he more informative if he focused more on explaining more complicated things instead of the pure basics
I love how some hackers will tell you that "the Complete Hackers Handbook" is the hacking "Bible" and it doesn't contain one single line of code. Not 1. Just jargon. I still liked the video. But I get your point. Hated when people would say Lurk Moor or whatever it was. Just tell me the steps, I'll look it up myself. Just tell me what to look up. That's how I knew if someone was full of crap. They pull that magicians never tell their secrets bs.
Thought it was great🤓
@@__Zed mastering the basics makes you powerful bro keep that in mind
4:50 something worth mentioning is that installing your own vpn server on some random vps could be a security risk depending on your threat model. Federal agencies can detect your ip address is the only one connecting to that server and thus deduce the outgoing traffic from that server is effectively yours. Also, wireguard should be prefered over openvpn if you actually need to setup a vpn server for some reason.
Actually, Ross Ulbricht was caught through an old email that he had advertised Silk Road on in Reddit, then, when they knew who he was they traced him to a library, and then a female and make FBI agents distracted him by pretending to have an argument while another rushed his laptop, so he couldn’t press the kill code button he’d set up previously, they also messaging him through Silkroad at that exact time and caught him with his laptop open and everything logged in 😅
moral of the story? Mind ya own business at all times
@@puddyI Yep.
I don't think it was reddit where he posted his email, pretty sure it was some forum.
actually it was on bitcointalk not Reddit
i think the email thing and femaill fbi thing was from alpha02 story idk
4:09 I'm glad you mentioned that VPNs introduce intermediaries. I feel like a lot of people either forget or don't know about this and perhaps don't think about it before deciding when to use a VPN.
Staying anonymous is one thing.. what about removing digital identity ? People who grew up in digital age and not knowing how bad things can get.. what steps can one take to wipe out this data ?
Great point. Especially if you had parents, family, employers who posted photos and info about you online. There are digital privacy laws where you can request for your information to be taken down. But this is dependent on where live and even then there will still be an online footprint you left. Best possible option is to never make the online trail in the first place. That's not easy nowadays.
@@collinsinfosec Po
If your like me, then your GenX parents keep posting your personal info on every social media site. So, the first step is to abandon parents.
@@Endless_Jaguarhey now that's not nice, they're just trying to show off they're kid that they're proud of. But I totally feel ya, I'm opposite and am extremely protective over my kids photos ever getting posted on internet. Especially, after a time I Googed his sisters name & shockingly on the first page that came up i saw a nude photo of hers that'd been reposted on a hella shaddy website, that had her little brothers photo on her wall right behind her, totally clear as day. I was pissed to say the least. Got that sh*t pulled down immediately.
@yx-su5qftry and actually have a conversation with them about it or just login to their account lmao
He’s not saying you should be a hacker but you could be a hacker 😂
I never said anything 😂
@@collinsinfosec LOL 😂
What's the alternative to being the predator? Being the prey
If I was selling bad things on the internet and I felt I was about to get caught; I’d make a RUclips channel and as such, talking about OPSEC, appear as a red herring.
Hahaha good one
Some people do silly things with out thinking. And then get found out
6:50 don't underestimate vulnerabilites with virtualization. TailOS discourages indeed the virtualization approach because the host machine can fully control and check what's going on in the VM
Great point!
yes but being totally 100% anonymous is kindly impossible. Tails offer a way to get more % in anonymity. That's it. It's the same debate as with confinements and vaccines... Just gain more % here and here.
Yeah but u can spoof any info that you connect with to a rdp so its a win win
True. Many, including myself at one point, thought VMs won't leak malware, but they can. Just as malware can hop partitions to jump to different OSs. (;
Good presentation and very clear, concise and useful information. As a 'security professional' (and someone interested in security since before the internet) this is exactly the kind of straightforward yet entertaining content we need more of.
Thank you for the kind words. I am going to try to improve on my video presentation.
Try Mental Outlaw if you haven't yet!
@@rune.theocracy thank you, I already subscribe to him, good advice though.
Anything you'd recommend for a layman who's interested in cybersec? Things that MUST be learned, Things to avoid knowing, tips/tricks?
1:23 still, the reason he got caught was none of those. But the NSA cross referencing old posts of him that had a similar name to his later used username. then they claimed it was done by some unfixed exploit in his market. But of course we know they just checked their data collection.
You are not a script kiddie. Thank you for the lesson. This is fantastic.
if the compliment is 'you are not a script kiddie' then you label the person basically a script kiddie
Who said tho that he's a script kiddie
@@bikdigdaddy he said it to himself in the video
ima script kiddie thanks now im near to matrix level
@@fernandoblazin Needless to say (and that's the point of it), calling somone 'not a script kiddie' is rather something else entirely than not('a script kiddie'). But even assuming this is as simple as !a == b is the same as a==!b (which, ignoring all context, may not be unreasonable!) it would simply make you 'not a script kiddie' not 'matrix level'. An alternative interpretation is for example, you are simply no programmer at all.
I feel weird about a lot of VPN's, although they claim to have a "no log policy," I've heard of many instances in which VPN companies helped the police in finding cyber criminals.
Drowning I suggest watch a 13 part series called _What on earth happened_ by Ewaranon to learn that the earth is not a globe.
I got it in my about tab.
From prior experience, government agencies do show up to the datacenter and usually either takes the drives or make a copy of them.
that’s because VPNs are used to protect regular citizens, not criminals
Waay late to the party but here's an explanation:
Any internet service provider, vpn company or other internet service owner based in the 14 eyes (basically NA, West EU, Australia) is legally required to comply with proper orders from law enforcement.
In such cases they WILL demand all logs and any relevant information pertaining to their investigation.
And the laws do allow businesses to lie about keeping no logs if it's for the sake of complying with said laws.
Conversely, countries outside of the 14 eyes may have more lax laws around that stuff (think Sweden and the MulvadVPN cases).
In short: if you're hoping that your vpn will allow you to escape those pesky glowies, ensure that the vpn is either a decentralized service (Tor/IP2P) or based outside the 14eyew
Your style is simple yet detailed, I haven't come across another related you tube channel that keeps it simple to the point and clearly examined. Subbed!
god damnit I fell off my chair laughing when you said "security professionals like you and I"!
Now I know how to operate my own Silk Road without getting caught
when you're searches and watches on RUclips puts on the watch list.
You revealed it; now they may be in danger.
To be honest. At 6:00 minute mark, everything youve done is more than enough as long as you've done all previous steps. I have never heard of anyone getting caught under these circumstances. It's usually because people mix their darknet and clearnet activity or use any identifying material online, such as profiles with actual names, clearnet email addresses, use personal IPs etc.
Unless you are specifically being targeted, it's going to monumentally difficult and resource intensive to track you down.
Tails for privacy: ye
Tails for hacking: no
just found your videos. i'm a sys admin looking to get into cyber security and your videos are genuinely informative and enjoyable to watch. don't worry, you're definitely not a script kiddie. i'd know, i was one lool. keep it up man
this video was better than a 1 year course i did in cyber security
When delivering a lecture on this subject, I was astounded by the extent to which many hackers overlook these fundamental principles. Admittedly, much has evolved over time, necessitating commensurate adaptations.
I only want to just stay anonymous because people steal anf the internet is scary, i just wanna be safe 😭
I think where I’ve been going wrong is I’ve only managed stealthiness. I’m gonna give stealthinessness a try.
I'm getting into cyber security, this video was a great overview of what's possible as far as offensive security is concerned!
You Rock I'm getting a laptop soon .
I'm just starting off .
I'm learning how to code and read it .
It's tricky but I'll figure it out !!!
Great content man, I just found your channel and its awesome! I’m going to school for computer science, I really wanna focus on encryption and cybersecurity, so your content is an attention grabber. Keep up the good work, posting a video more in depth like what you showed at the end would be pretty interesting!
Thank you Sydnie!
Keep up and don't make mistake I did! When you struggle with something, give yourself a time. Don't give up because you think something us "too hard". You just don't have enough knowledge to solve this problem. So educate urself and attempt one more time :)
Sydnie I suggest watch a 13 part series called _What on earth happened_ by Ewaranon to learn that the earth is not a globe.
I got it in my about tab.
@@MrCipek1221 I’m super late to this reply but thank you for the advice. It means a lot, especially with this degree you have a lot of people who aren’t willing to help or who have kind of like god complex.
Awesome demonstrations there, but personally I would have liked to see more about how criminals who use these stealth techniques actually get tracked and ultimately caught; I imagine there's a very interesting story there as well
A video to follow-up on this topic is a great idea 👍
Ddw had stories.. not that I know or anything as a useless script kiddie wannabe
NSA has enormous resources ,money , techs , and proprietary software . Get in if you dare , but get out before they can target you , because they WILL get you if you don't !
This comment's a year old but look up seytonic or mental outlaw. Often times, it's the user unintentionally outting themselves by mixing their public and private identities I.e. using their anonymous email to sign up for Instagram, reusing their private email across multiple websites
@@collinsinfosecsir i need help
Please help me anyone
Proxys...hops and exits...
Also that DNS thing is so terrifying!
Thanks! Not super into privacy yet but just wanted to learn what works and doesn’t.
I'd love to see a blog entry to explain this in more detail.
Hey Grant really nice video! How about to do a video with the techniques used to trace back this kind of be anonymous strategy? I mean some reverse engineering
Hi Cybermondo, I like the idea!
@@collinsinfosec I will wait for it then ;)
The Grugq is very good and has a few lectures going through the takedown of lulsec and another smaller one.
@@ironheadrondo5596 I seem to recall the takedown of lulsec basically boiled down to one of the members being really, really bad at opsec, so once they arrested that guy, they were able to get him to get other members to reveal themselves over their now compromised private chat.
I was waiting for a VPN ad all video. Awesome job on this, nice to see some digestible content about hacking that isn't from a conference or experts react video. 👍
Tapport I suggest watch a 13 part series called _What on earth happened_ by Ewaranon to learn that the earth is not a globe.
I got it in my about tab.
@@flat-earther I recommend you stop spamming RUclips comments with flat earth shit, lmao. Embarrassing.
@@Tapport So does denying the globe automatically mean flat earth to you?
@@flat-earther I honestly don’t care what shape you think the earth is, it’s still irrelevant to this video or my comment.
Tbh writing style is covered so damn less in such videos so props for talking about it even if it was just a second and in a list of thing to identify you
most people dont even know about that
I impersonated a long time ago (half a decade minimum) and one of the main things I used was writing style which made it quite difficult for people to figure out it was me even when they became suspicious. (I don't suggest you try impersonating, it gets messy.) It's one of those details that people don't really think about but makes a lot of difference.
THIS ^ has been the most useful explanation! I have been researching each of these components individually, but you now put it all together in a series of steps. Maybe I am slow on the uptake… or just was distracted with Life… but this really helps with my own personal OPSEC! Thanks!
If a hacker uses all of these methods, how would you go about finding them?
Nothing but straightforward pieces of information 👌
If only other RUclips videos are made this way.
I can barley navigate my cable guide . This stuff is a different type of genius
Finally!!! Someone that can speak CLEARLY about this topic! Subscribed
Garrett Evans Wow thank you Garrett, you've made my day!
Enjoyed the video man. I couldn't stop laughing Everytime I started typing something I thought you weren't going to mention...you started mentioning it🤦😅
What i still don’t understand is how you can remain anonymous if you must first connect to anything through your local ISP?
u use public networks. go in disguise. back in the day people were war driving and using unencrypted home wifis.
I thought the way to use proxychains was to give it a list of proxy servers to select from, and chain together several of them. Why did you just give it localhost?
Also, in case people are interested, the way to protect a network against DNS tunneling is through DNS Inspection, which security appliances can do.
don't forget to verify the checksum of any file that you download with a checksum of that file provided from a known good source
This helped with my cybersecurity class, thanks!
Ready to hack neighbours wifi 😎.
your ability to keep the content fresh and exciting is incredible! ️
1:15 isn’t an ID supposed to link a name with a photograph?
Like, if you show an ID with a name and a different face than yours then they’re not going to accept it, fake or real.
What’s DPR supposed to do about that?
ID, identity card or Just identity, djizezzz! Identity of what, a human being? They probably didnt have any photograps of ptolemy or the likes. But they probably wasnt concerned with People Stealing their identity cuz there was No Camera at the time ect.
This guy is onto something!
Great Video, I’m somewhat knowledgeable but I loved how you broke down certain things for beginners
Staying anonymous offline is the bigger challenge.
🤔🤔🤔 Interesting and thought provoking statement, I believe this might be the comment of the century... 🤔🤔🤔
# Comment Of The Century, "Staying anonymous offline is the bigger challenge."
- Hammer Fist
@@KenBurnett144 its not that deep
@@proof_26xx "Moisture is the essence of Wetness" - Zoolander.
You know what's real anonymous money?
Very True
Cash will completely disappear in a few years
Everything will be digital
@@overlord5068few years no ......few decades maybe
They rent a basement in a remote area. Put some hoddies and glasses when going out.
Now I know how much effort that person put in to disrupt my normal life thanks...
I work in IT and that's the only reason I'm here
15k likes and 0 dislikes. This is a gem
Dislikes arent shown anymore. No matter the video
So crazy what worlds are out there…
We need to follow hacker protocol and protect our selfs
Yes please do go into more depth...I'm very interested. Thankyou 🙌🏼
Great points.
At the end of the day if your DNS is still controlled by your ISP, vpns, anonymizing services won't help much. Unless you maybe have a PFsense unbound router setup using a service like Quad9 to cloak your DNS.
Hi Lance, how do you find out if your dns is controlled by your isp?
To whom it may concern: I am not here because I want to shop or be part of the dark web, I am here for educational purposes. Thank you
my intent is 200% malicious 😂
0:11 Lack of spending on IT. If you treat your IT staff like shit, they aren't going to bother doing any real work. Certainly not bother to look for breaches.
thanks i needed this so i can hack the entirety of google without being caught
I think my security is compromised lol
I googled about a mission in watchdogs 2 and this showed up a few days later
1:42 hmm this guy seems pretty keen to convince us he's a good guy
😂you read my mind
It's actually a miracle that ulbricht didn't get caught sooner. So many opsec failures lmfao
Objective and Useful video! Thank you Grant!
It’s quite fun to be a Ukrainian “military guy” (a conscripted software engineer) and to see another Ukrainian military guy in a video like this at 0:33
guy I suggest watch a 13 part series called _What on earth happened_ by Ewaranon to learn that the earth is not a globe.
I got it in my about tab.
wow i was *literally thinking of this rn!*
One could yield the same results utilizing a virtual machine and deleting the OS
My dear FBI agent,
I am watching this video only for education reasons, please don't barge into my house.
yours dearly,
I love this comment 😂
You're supposed to use your real picture on a fake ID, that way you can actually use it. That had absolutely nothing to do with Ross Ulbricht getting caught.
Good point. However, it did. He used nine fake IDs, all with different names, etc. He used these IDs to sign up for server rentals across the world. He didn't have to use a real picture of himself to gain access to these servers, he could have provided any type of ID. If it really did come down to having to use a real photograph, it could have been more use to limit his exposure. Nine fake IDs with the same picture, different names implies someone is hiding their real identity. He could have limited his evidence. It ended up catching up to him in the end.
@@collinsinfosec ehhh yes and no...it does look bad but when they found the 9 IDs package Ross said he had no knowledge of it and refused the package and didn't get arrested... Although at that point they were alrdy on his trail so it didn't matter much regardless
Lmao owner of silk road : they think i am dumb enough to use mine when i can just use someone else's😂
dont forget to destroy your memory (RAM) and Hard Drive, always use fresh hard drive or buy second used
I’m just trying to protect myself I’m scared
If you take a basic scenario of a simple machine setup, xp service pack 3 with no anti virus or firewall and a basic connection to it, what are the chances that a remote connection would be identified. The example given here is top level, not an isolated machine in some dead beat dump of a one person band business.
It is probably unlikely that any connection over the net would even be known by anybody.
Using you photo on a fake id is something most if not all would use. If you need to use it why use someone's else photo 🙄
You need your face to match the id thats the point of it.
Dont blame yourself your not a criminal so you wouldn’t understand
Very grateful, everything works perfectly. Keep it up!
seriously tho, if you are learning how to become a hacker, there is no way you do not know what an IP address is...
Loved the vid I think you really summarized everything really well. I did want to say though I’m still new to the cybersecurity world as I’m really in robotics, but assuming I an attacker could use some sort of small pi like device to connect to virtually with it running a live os like you described I could have it connect directly to the victims network, or even just as a dummy ip in case of middle man failure. I was thinking about this with some of my own applications on a defensive standpoint luckily I’m able to hard wire everything so they’d have to literally tap in without me knowing.
*Mentions to use Tails on a live USB then shows using Kali.
>shows how to harden opsec onlin
>uses windows as the host OS
Since a live session won’t save downloaded software a hacker wouldn’t use Tails.
They would use something like Kali or ParrotOS.
By using a goodie inside a dimly lit room
Vpn is on side of those who pays more
thanks brother. basic but good
You forgot about a dozen unique identifiers that firefox logs with your header
Great video man. New subscriber ✌🏻
As it has been understood for time immemorial: Professionals have standards!!!
Xavier P I suggest watch a 13 part series called _What on earth happened_ by Ewaranon to learn that the earth is not a globe.
I got it in my about tab.
Offensive security...love that term ✌️
great video with some useful tips i have never thought about before. thanks grant!
8:31 I knew it: logs! I think i heard this on Jack Rhysiders podcast with some who did the forensics after the case…