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与全球最大、最值得信赖的运输和物流公司之一的 UPS 合作,寄件和追踪国内外货件递送情况。
通过 UPS Tracking 追踪您的多个包裹状态,使用追踪编号追踪您的包裹状态
Ship and track domestic and international deliveries with UPS, one of the largest and most trusted global shipping and logistics companies.
Visit The UPS Store to pack, ship, print and much more. Your neighborhood store has the right products and services to get the job done. Get $5 Off $25* Shredding
UPS Tianjin Center Rm 201, Building F, No.19 3rd Avenue BinHai International Airport Logistics Zone, Tianjin, 300300 China Mainland Service Hotline: 800-820-8388 / 400-820-8388 Tel.: (86 …
UPS 營運中心* 四樓 4022E-4027E 亞洲貨櫃物流中心 B 座 葵涌三號貨櫃碼頭 葵涌 香港特別行政區,中國 星期一至星期六︰ 09:30 - 19:00(午餐時間︰ 12:30 - 13:30) 三湘九龍灣貨運中心地 …
Finden Sie hier eine UPS Abgabestelle oder einen Einwurfkasten in Ihrer Nähe. Einfach Standort eingeben, Versandstelle wählen und das Paket abgeben.
Experience better online shipping with UPS. Send and deliver packages faster and easier than ever. Quote, pay, and get labels on ups.com
Use our Locator to find The UPS Store nearest you, including store opening hours and services available.
The UPS Store (formerly the United States arm of Mail Boxes Etc.) is a franchised subsidiary of United Parcel Service which provides, according to its website, shipping, shredding, printing, …