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  1. Nick Jr. Marathon Promo (December 2004) - YouTube

    No description has been added to this video....more

  2. Nick Jr. Franklin Monday Marathon Promo (January 2000)

    Here's a rare Nick Jr. promo for the Franklin Monday marathon from January 2000. Since I have a VHS tape with 1 and a half hours of the Franklin Monday marathon from Spring 1999, I wonder...

  3. Events | Nickstory Wiki | Fandom

    This page covers events (marathons, promotions, special programming blocks, etc.) that aired on Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., and Nick@Nite. This page is currently a work in progress, and it will …

  4. Nick Jr's Franklin Monday Marathon ALL COMMERCIAL BREAKS ... - YouTube

    This is a compilation of all of the commercial breaks during the January 17th, 2000 broadcast of the Franklin Monday Marathon that ran from 9AM to 3PM. These were taken from a VHS …

  5. Blue's Big Marathon 1998 (7_8) - video Dailymotion

    Unlike Blue's Big Tuesday, this marathon had more Blue's Clues episodes with bumpers and face promos from Mid or Late 1990's. These were recorded by 1990nickjr1 but edited by me when i …

  6. Nick Jr Best Friends Marathon Commercials | April 5, 2000

    A collection of commercials that aired on Nick Jr. on April 5, 2000, originally recorded by Youtube user Meredith Vintage. The commercials aired during the Best Friends Week marathon. They …

  7. 2014-2018 Promos | Nick Jr. Promos Wiki | Fandom

    If you want to insert a promo from a website such as YouTube, Vimeo, or any website, the promo must end with "Right here on Nick Jr.". The video may not be the recording from a TV.

  8. Nick Jr. Promos Wiki | Fandom

    Hi everyone, I created a Nick Jr. Promos Wiki. If anyone wants to add a promo they found, it may be from YouTube, Vimeo, or any website. The video should be in an HD format and end with …

  9. 1999 - COMMERCIALS from Nickelodeon - PART 2 (Nick Birthday Marathon)

    1999 - COMMERCIALS from Nickelodeon - PART 2 (Nick Birthday Marathon)

  10. Events | Nickstory Jr. Wiki | Fandom

    This page is for describing events that occurred for Noggin/Nick Jr. as well as The N and NickMom. This was the first day of Noggin, so first episodes of shows were aired. Noggin's …
